
Admission Policies & Procedures


Amlotus requires all prospective students to complete the formal admissions procedures:

  1. Prospective Students must fill out an Amlotus application form- either International Student Application for SEVIS I-20 form or Common Application for Non-I-20 students.
  2. Students must submit all documents prior to an acceptance decision being made.
  3. For overseas students, prospective students will receive Pre-arrival Package by mail or e-mail.
  4. Students are required to take a placement test in order to determine placement into the appropriate level.
  5. Upon the completion of the placement test, students can register for the course. Student needs to sign an Enrollment Agreement and any other contractual documents with Amlotus and pay for tuition and registration fees before entering the class.
  6. Students must attend an Amlotus orientation prior to attending their first class. If the student misses the regularly scheduled orientation, then he/she must arrange an orientation with the administration before he/she is allowed to attend classes at Amlotus.
  7. During the orientation, students will receive Amlotus Catalog, Student Handbook, and curriculum/ course schedule information and complete the orientation checklist with students’ attestation.
  8. Students must read the Amlotus Catalog and the Student Handbook information to understand all details related to the courses and admissions and sign an acknowledgement that they have read and understand the policies.
  9. Student must meet All admissions requirements, including completion of student orientation, the signing and returning of important forms, and all financial obligations.
  10. If a student has questions regarding Amlotus’ policies, regulations, admissions procedures, curriculum/ courses to choose, attendance policies, satisfactory academic progress, and any personal and immigration matters etc., he/she may consult with a School Agent or Staff Member in person at school, by phone 212-912-0100, e-mail at, or appointment, to ask for advice.


Amlotus uses the CaMLA (Cambridge Michigan Language Assessment) EPT test for Listening/Grammar/Reading/Vocabulary, the CaMLA speaking test, and the CaMLA writing test to determine initial placement. School agents contact the students AT LEAST a week prior to classes starting to make arrangements to take the placement test.  When students at Amlotus are initially tested, either the Academic Director or Academic Coordinator administers the tests. After the CaMLA EPT test and CaMLA writing tests, the CaMLA speaking test is administered. Once the tests have been evaluated, the student will meet with the school agents (student counselors) to discuss the results of the test and the student’s initial placement into an ESL class. Any student who feels that the result of the test is inaccurate or not representative of their abilities can appeal the placement or progression by notifying the Academic Coordinator/ the administration.

Late enrolled students placed to the existing class

[IEP (Intensive English Language Training Program: ESL]

New Students are allowed to register for the course by the end of week 4 after the course starts. Amlotus considers closely the exact placement of the student. We look at the raw number, and determine if the student is at the low, mid or high end of the placement. If a student is at the low end, and it is week three or four, they are generally placed down a level as to not interrupt the existing class and where the class is in the syllabus. New students are assessed by their teachers as well to determine if placement is accurate through a diagnostic test. These tests take into consideration the material the student may have missed, once again, ensuring that the flow of the course is not interrupted.

[EFL/ESL Teacher Training Program]

New students are allowed to register for the course by the end of week 2 after the course starts.

Appeal to Initial Placement

Any student or an instructor who feels that the result of the initial placement is inaccurate or not representative of the student’ abilities can appeal the placement or progression.

  1. Submit a Request Form for Re-evaluation of Placement to the Academic Director/ the administration.
  2. Upon the submission of the request form, the student may be allowed to retake the placement test at the discretion of the Academic Director or another member of the administration.
  3. Upon completion of the placement test, the Academic Director confers with the classroom teacher, and finalizes placement.
  4. Within 48 hours from the test being taken, the Academic Director meets with the student and the instructor to review both the initial and secondary placement test results.
  5. The joint decision of the Academic Director and the classroom teacher is final and cannot be appealed. The final decision letter is sent to the student and also placed in the student’s folder.